12 Types of Saltwater Starfish for Aquariums

A starfish is a must-have for any saltwater aquarium. Fish are visually appealing and assist in keeping the aquarium clean. There are numerous breeds to choose from, each with its color scheme and set of requirements. 

Matching a starfish to your surroundings is as simple as comparing a few characteristics to ensure that your Starfish for aquarium can thrive without disrupting your tank’s ecosystem.

12 Types of Saltwater Starfish for Aquariums

We’ve chosen ten distinct saltwater starfish species to go over with you. So you can figure out which breed is best for your habitat. Join us as we talk about adult size, coral safety, feeding, and more to help you find a fish that’s right for you.

Types of Starfish for Aquarium

Here is a list of 12 types of starfish

1. Asterina

The Asterina Starfish is not a fish that you can buy as a pet. This species enters the aquarium by accident when live rock or other objects are placed in the tank, and it hides within.

Asterina Starfish

There are a variety of Asterina breeds, some of which are damaging to coral and others which are not. They reproduce quite quickly and can quickly become a major problem if not addressed entirely.

2. Basket

Basket Starfish is a strange-looking starfish that belongs to the brittle starfish family. To obtain its nutrients, this breed uses nocturnal filtration. Training them to eat during the day is tough but not impossible.

They require a regular supply of nutrients to survive, which can be difficult for even the most experienced aquarium caretakers to provide. 

Basket Starfish

They can also grow to be quite huge and delicate. They can break off limbs if they collide with the aquarium glass, so you’ll need at least 180 gallons to adequately accommodate them.

3. Blue Linckia

The Blue Linckia starfish is a deep blue fish with a stuffed animal-like appearance. It’s a tough fish that may grow up to 12 inches wide in optimal conditions. To feed adequately, they’ll need a mature coral tank. The Blue Linckia Starfish is one of the most challenging starfish breeds on our list to raise. 

Blue Linckia Starfish

The majority of the specimens are injured while still in the ocean since they are fragile and do not travel well. They will need drip acclimation to acclimate to the water in your tank. Moreover, you should inspect the mouth region for a little parasitic snail that is common in this species.

4. Brittle

The long arms of this fish are readily broken. When a starfish’s arm is damaged, it flops around to draw predators’ attention as the starfish flees. The arm will begin to grow back like a lizard’s tail once it has reached safety.

Brittle Starfish

They are fun to watch since they are energetic and move swiftly while hunting. They may grow up to a foot across. Brittle starfish are nocturnal and will try to hide during the day, however, they will move at any moment in search of food.

5. Chocolate Chip

Once you’ve seen a Chocolate Chip Starfish, you’ll understand why they received their name. These have an orange body with white between the fingers, and brown knobby spines that resemble chocolate chips cover the entire top.

This kind of fish is one of the simpler to keep, and they’re popular in aquariums since they’re active and you can watch them hunt and eat. 

Chocolate Chip Starfish

They are bigger starfish, reaching lengths of up to 15 inches. Before you buy a Chocolate Chip Starfish, keep in mind that they can harm any coral or anemone you have in your tank.

Also see – How To Increase Oxygen In a Fish Tank?

6. Double Star

Double Star starfish are particularly sensitive to changes in the water’s temperature. They necessitate a steady and constantly regulated environment.

They’re also famously difficult to feed, and even under skilled care, they can starve to death. These fish come in a variety of vibrant hues that will enhance the appearance of any aquarium.

Double Star Starfish 2

 Nonetheless, we only recommend them to experienced aquarium keepers who can detect if the fish is healthy and happy. This species of fish can grow up to 12 inches in diameter.

7. Green Brittle

The Green Brittle Starfish resembles a green-tinted Brittle Starfish. They are, however, a completely different breed and are highly violent. It will vigorously pursue and capture any small moving fish that crosses its path, as well as shrimp and crabs. 

Green Brittle Starfish

They have a small central body, so they won’t attack huge fish, but bottom cleaners like the Goby are vulnerable. Because these starfish may grow up to one foot in length, they’ll need a big tank. To accommodate the Green Brittle comfortably, we recommend a 55-gallon aquarium.

8. Luzon

Luzon Starfish

The Luzon Starfish is a one-of-a-kind species that reproduces by severing an arm and growing a new fish. They are not difficult to maintain, but they do necessitate a specific diet.

Because they don’t consume meat like other kinds, the best way to feed them is with a reef aquarium. Luzon Starfish reach a maximum size of roughly 5 inches.

9. Marble

Marble Starfish

The term marble starfish refers to a group of starfish with a similar pattern of markings. The hardiness and lifespan of these fish are well-known. Most Marble Starfish reach a maximum size of six inches, requiring a fairly large tank.

Larger tanks have slower water chemistry and temperature changes, as well as more algae for your fish to eat.

10. Red Knobbed

The Red Knobbed Starfish resembles the Chocolate Chip Starfish in appearance. This breed has red stripes on its white coat. Instead of being brown, the spikes on this type are dark red. This breed is more expensive than the Chocolate Chip. 

Red Knobbed Starfish

Because it is rarer, but it is very easy to care for and can grow up to 12 inches in diameter. Due to its voracious appetite, it would be beneficial if you did not keep this breed in a reef tank.

11. Sand Sifting

The Sand Sifting Starfish is one of the most popular aquarium starfish species. They’re fascinating and lively, and they can keep observers entertained for hours.

They’re easy to care for, and as their name suggests, they spend their time sifting through sand in search of morel mushrooms, which helps to keep the aquarium clean.

Sand Sifting Starfish

Sand Sifting Starfish can reach a width of eight inches and are suitable for keeping in a reef tank.

12. Serpent

Another fish species related to the Brittle Starfish is the Serpent Starfish. However, unlike the Brittle fish, this species lacks spikes and bristles. The body of the Serpent Starfish is completely smooth, and it comes in a variety of colors. 

They’re easy to look after and prefer to eat dead prey or leftovers. A Serpent fish is about 12 inches wide on average.

Serpent Starfish

Starfish can be difficult to nurture in a home aquarium, but when done correctly, they can be quite rewarding. Anyone interested in learning how to raise these intriguing organisms might consider the Sand Sifting Starfish. 

They’re tough and live a long time, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn how to correctly balance an ecosystem. Once you’ve honed your skills, any of the other varieties are a good challenge, and the one you acquire will be determined by the size of the tank you have.

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